Annual Solstice and Holiday Potluck

12/21/2019 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Elmira Grange
Address: 88764 Sprague St, Elmira, OR 97437, USA
Please Join Us!
The Westside Gardeners’ Club is hosting its annual Winter Solstice and Christmas party.
When:  Saturday, December 21, 4 – 8 pm
Where: Elmira Grange –  88764 Sprague St, Elmira, OR 97437
What:   Potluck – Bring your favorite dish to share and something to drink
There will be a classic rock and blues band, 2-Lane playing your favorite covers. So bring your dance shoes!
Partners and Spouses are welcome to join you.
For those inclined, we will have a gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift of $10 or less.
Hope to see you Saturday!