First Fall Meeting

09/12/2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Veneta Community Center
Address: 25192 E Broadway Ave, Veneta, OR 97487, USA
It’s that time of year, a new Season of Garden Club begins! This year will be a little different, for obvious reasons.
Our first Garden Club will be held outside, behind the Community Center at our newly planted Pollinator garden bed, this Saturday, Sept 12th @ 10 am – 12 noon.
  • Please bring a chair, mask, drink and snack for yourself.
  • We will meet outside and have an hour of social time 10 – 11am.
  • 11 am – Noon we will meet and discuss the upcoming season.
  • I would like to hear your ideas of what you would like to see happen, as well as share my ideas.
Moving forward, we received word from the Community Center, that we can not use their facility for meetings.
The Elmira Grange has offered us the big Hall for use, at not cost, for the coming Season. 
Future meetings this year will be held at the Grange, provided it is feasible.
For this Saturday, if you have conflicting plans, I urge you to meet us at the pollinator garden for the brainstorming session from 11 to noon. 